I just started readin This Lullaby by Sarah Dessen. When i read the blurb, i thought that this was going to be another amazing book because it's by Sarah Dessen, and she's one of my favorite authors.
The book is going great.I really like how Sarah Dessen describes everything in the book like the characters feeelings, the settinng and the mood of the story.
"When I got home, the first thing I noticed was the music. Classical, soaring, filling the house with oboes and flowing violins." This was a quote from the book that i really liked. She described how the house was just filled with music,what was playing and the instruments. I thought that if she could describe things in the book with such passion, then I could do the same.
So far, the book is really amazing. It's very descriptive and it looks like Sarah Dessen put a lot of effort and hard work because the book is just wonderful.
Francelee, I really want you to try to build a theory about something that is going on in your book, rather than just telling be about the book in general/your experience. does that make sense? I know those ideas are hiding in your mind! Let me know if you need help.