Monday, December 20, 2010

This Lullaby Part Two

Ok so im almost finished reading the book "This Lullaby" by Sarah Dessen. This book has been one of the best books i've ever read. It's filled with drama and love and such emotion. It's like once you start reading the book, you just can't seem to stop.

A theory that i came up with about the book, was basically that falling in love to fast isn't really good, and that you have to take your time beacuse in the book, Remy's(the main character) mom has had many husbands in her life. Like husband after husband after husband. I thought that was kind of weird because whenever she met a guy, she thought that he was the one and it would wind up being a marriage then divorce and that was how it was all the time. But for Remy, her love life is different compared to her mother's. Whenever Remy had a great relationship going on, then all of a sudden when things got serious, she would break up with that person and that was how her love life was with her. So i'm basically saying that falling in love too fast isn't really worth it beacuse you want to get to know the person before things get serious.

I recommend my friends and my classmates to read this book because it's a really great book and it's teaches you a thing or two about life.


  1. I like how you elaborated by using a lot of text evidence.

  2. You did a lot of good deep thinking. Good point.
