Sunday, June 5, 2011

Last Blog post... D:D

Done reading my coming of age book called "The House on Mango Street" By Sandra Cisneros. The book was really good. It was mostly written in vignettes which are just really short stories talking about something.

I would describe my character as a very determined, positive and smart girl, from the beginning towards the ending. In the ending, the main character, Esperanza, describes how she doesn't want to belong and live in the poor latino section of Chicago. She wants to become something of herself.

Throughout the story, Esperanza is more of mother figure to her siblings, telling them right from wrong and worrying about them. So in a way, Esperanza is or already was growing up to fast to try and maintain a motherly figure for her siblings.

Initiations that Esperanza has is like a said before trying to be a motherly figure to her siblings, but not that she doesn't have a mother, but she's in a way trying to grow up too fast, but in another way not really.

What the author is trying to say about childhood is that the kind of neighborhood or environment that you live in can affect how you grow up and the type of living situations that you live in. Sometimes with that kind of situation, it can ruin a part of your childhood, and you miss out on things.

What the author is trying to say about adulthood is that you have to be determined about certain types of things to have a good future,which is also the transfer from childhood to adulthood. To go onto adulthood, you have to become a different person and be more responsible and smart and determined, which is what Esperanza is which made her more determined with that transition from childhood to adulthood.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The House On Mango Street

"The House On Mango Street" By Sandra Cisneros focuses on a young girl named Esperanza who lives in a poor Latino section of Chicago.

In the beginning, the main character, Esperanza, describes her life and her family members and siblings. When i kept on reading the book, it seemed to me like Esperanza was the one taking care of her younger siblings. Like she has to watch over them. I would probably describe Esperanza as a very positive and determined person. She cares about things and she's positive about what she wants to do with her life.

Some things that might be holding her back would probably be the way her lifestyle is and where she lives, which can be a conflict because that's something that she wants to change, but something is holding her back, so she can't do anything about it just yet, since she's too young.

Someone who's plays an important role in Esperanza's life would have to be her sister, Nenny, because she has to take care of her and help her and everything, but Nenny's still there to help her too.

Thursday, April 7, 2011


It's been a while. I just finished reading such an amazing book called "Crank" by Ellen Hopkins. A book talking about how a girl, Kristina, who is your all american teenager. She gets good grades, she's a good student,but then once visits her dad, and gets a boyfriend, Adam, she gets introduced to the drug crystal meth, also known as crank. I've read this book last year as well and I've also read the sequel which is called "Glass". throughout the book, she struggles with the drug and has two different personalities. One, Kristina, the person who her family knows, then there's Bree, the person she becomes when taking the drug.

While reading this book, I kept on thinking about how Kristina felt about her life after she encountered the drug. How her mood has changed and how before she was using the drug, she was a normal average teenager. She cared about her family and she had nothing to worry about, but throughout the story, a bunch of different situations happen when crank takes over her body. Things change a whole lot once you start taking crank.

What Ellen Hopkins is trying to tell the reader is that a lot of bad and horrible things can happen when people take drugs. It can affect their mood, they way they act and it can make you seem like a whole different person. In the book, Kristina, transforms from her regular self, to Bree, a different person who has a different personality and in a way, the opposite of Kristina. This book was based on Ellen's daughter, so you can't say that this book isn't fiction. It talks about her daughter's experience with the drug and the situations that came out of it.

Yes, people do take drugs now a days. Young people and older people. People should read this book because it shows how Ellen's daughter life turned out once she took the drug. Me, after reading this book for the second time, I've thought twice about drugs and the affection of them. How crank, or any other drug can control your life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ah Romeo & Juliet

I loved the modern version of Romeo and Juliet. It was so amazing and exciting and just breath taking. I thought that the language of Shakespeare was at first hard to understand, but you have to "unpack" the sentences and metaphors, as Ms. Robbins says, so that you actually have an understanding of what he's trying to say.

A theme that I want to focus on was the hate/rivalraies that went on with the Montagues and the Capulets. In the beginning of the movie, there was a fight scene that broke out at the gas station. I think the movie started out with a fight scene to make us realize how strong and powerful the hate between the Montagues and the Capulets was. Then I thought, if the Montagues and the Capulets hated eachother that much, I wonder how hard it was going to be for Romeo and Juliet to be together. I thought about all the things that they would have to get through in order to be together. I also remember i think Benvolio (Romeo's cousin) saying that the hate was between their masters, but I also saw that Tybolt (a Capulet) and Romeo (a Montague) were the ones that were mostly in battle with eachother beacuse in one part of the movie, Romeo shoots Tybolt because earlier in the movie, Tybolt shot Romeo's best friend Merrcucio, so later on, Romeo told Tybolt that one of us has to go with Merrcucio, and since at that time Romeo had the gun, he shot Tybolt and he died. So, when the Capulets found out about Tybolt's death, I think that caused much more hate between the Montagues and the Capulets.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Contents Under Pressure

I just finished reading the book "Contents Under Pressure" by Lara M. Zeiss. The book was actually very intresting book. What made it so intresting was how the author wrote the book, and how she came up with the characters personalities. Not every character in the book was exactly the same, like the main character, Lucy, she's kind of like the outcast and she just cares too much about what people think, and her family memebers are just there to support Lucy and the things she goes through.

I thought that the book was just explaining the things that a girl feels pressured about in her life. Lucy has to deal with guys, dating, love, family and she just gets too overwhelmed by what she has to do in order to have everything running smoothly. But while i was reading the book, and coming up with this idea, i thought why does she have to have everything turn out perfect? Not everything in life is gonna turn out exactly the way you want it to be. Everything just somehow always happens and if it does, then i guess that's how it should be and you shouldn't change it...well if it's that bad of a situation you could try and fix it, but if it's just a few tiny problems, i don't think you should fix it. Not everything's going to be perfect. And you can also learn from your mistakes.

The theme that I came up with about this book was that everyone, girls, guys, adults can feel pressure any time when they don't know what to do and that they shouldn't have to do anything that they don't want to.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The sky
all blue
all yellow with
the sun shining
so bright.
The city,
under the
dark blue night.
So calm,
and peaceful.
The mountains
in the from a
All dark and
Just makes the city,
be a city.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Kite Runner PART 1...

I'm currently reading a book called " The Kite Runner" by Khaled Hosseini. I've been wanting to read this book since the seventh grade, but i never got a chance to read it. So i kind of basically just saw the movie. It was a really great movie though, and now that i have the book, i want to compare the movie and the book. I rarley watch a movie before reading the book first. For some reason, reading the book gives much more description than the movie, but there's still those very intense scenes that just make the movie worth while, but other than that, i prefer reading the book before watching the movie first.

I'm a really slow reader so I'm not up to the part in the book where the action kicks in, but the book has very descrpitive parts in it. For example,

"The curved wall led into the dining room, at the center of which was a mahagony table that could easily sit thirty guests- and, given my father's taste for extravegant parties, it did just that almost every week. On the other end of the dining room was a tall marble fireplace, always lit by the orange glow of fire in the wintertime."

I liked this description in the text so far because he describes what his home looks like and he doesn't just let you wonder about whatever. I also like the last line of that small paragraph because he tells you what they do with the fireplace during a certain time in the year.